Saturday, December 31, 2022

Special Needs Saturday: Fenek

Fenek (you can sponsor him at this link)

Happy New Year from me and my Distinguished Gentleman friend, Fenek.

Friday, December 30, 2022

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Wordless Wednesday: Oscar

There is a perfectly logical reason why the cat looks the way it does below, but we'll leave it unsaid.


Sunday, December 25, 2022

Nuttin For Christmas

In fact, a whole lot of Nuttin for Christmas... 


If that phrase sounds familiar, this is probably the reason why. The song is from 1955 and features Stan Freberg's voice throughout.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Throwback Thursday: Mango

There's a little story behind this.  It was December 30, 2013, and I was in Suite C, taking pictures of Paulette, a Special Needs cat.  I was her correspondent, responsible for writing a monthly newsletter for her supporters, and the pictures would illustrate it.   

Angela entered and asked me to take a picture of Mango, who also lived in Suite C.  Someone had made a collar for their favorite cat and sent it to Tabby's Place, and Angela wanted to thank them while showing them how it looked on him.  He posed cooperatively, and all I had to do was find a good angle.  

Ideally, of course, I would have placed Mango somewhere other than this orange-rich background.  I think I could Photoshop it out now.  Back then, I was able to remove a toy on the surface behind him, and I filled in an empty black area directly behind his head.    

I remember seeing the picture on the donor's blog, but couldn't find it for today's post.  


Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Wordless Wednesday: Boom

Wordless Wednesday:  There is a perfectly logical story to explain why the cat looks the way it does below. We'll leave it unsaid, though.

Friday, December 9, 2022

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Throwback Thursday: Pure White Ali

Ali (1998-2018)

When I first heard of Tabby's Place, in the winter of 2008-09, I thought I had my future role there all figured out.  First I would help clean, and then I would pet cats to my heart's content.  Sure enough, I visited, applied, went through training, and began taking shifts on Friday mornings.  The mornings stretched into afternoons as I got acquainted with dozens of Good Cats.

But during my second Friday morning shift, in the lobby I saw a cat (Boots, if memory serves) sitting up straight and tall on a table, and all at once I wished I had a camera.  Since then, I've learned more about taking pictures, and one of my favorite pieces of advice is to ignore people who profess that you should be doing things a certain way -- their way.  

The way the article summed it up was something like, Take pictures of whatever you can't not take pictures of.  When I saw Boots perfectly posed on that table, it was a textbook example of that maxim.  

The next Friday, I brought a pocket-sized Konica-Minolta DiMage G600 and started to take pictures.  Here's the first decent photo I took that day in May 2009.  Ali was a shy cat in Suite A, and I was trying to help her learn to trust humans.  She never warmed to me, but she was loved by all and had a good life until her passing in 2018.