Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Two times twofur Tuesday: Durin, from timid to trusting

With the construction of Quinn's Corner, feline-leukemia positive cats are welcome at Tabby's Place.  FIV-positive cats have always been welcome at Tabby's Place.  Fearful cats have always been welcome, too.

All these descriptions applied to Durin when he arrived in late summer 2022. In the top picture, taken in October 2022, you can see him huddled in his litter box, a known behavior in frightened cats.  The next two photos, from later the same month, show him hiding beneath a cabinet, and atop the highest object in the room, again in an attempt to find someplace he could feel safer.  

By April 2023, when the bottom picture was taken, with the help of caring staff and volunteers he had learned to trust humans, and he eagerly shared a visitor's lap with roommate Ponce de Leon.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Friday, May 5, 2023

Forever Home Friday: Bentley

On Fridays we'll post pictures of Tabby's Place cats who recently have been adopted. ("So long, and thanks for all the fish mush!")